Dora The Explorer Live Review | Toronto Sony Centre

dora the explorer live in torontoA couple months back I told you about our meeting with Dora and offered the chance for two readers to win tickets to see Dora The Explorer Live in Toronto so we’re back to report on how awesome a time the Little Monkey and I had! It was a girls afternoon out as we had invited a friend of mine and her daughter to join us for this auspicious first concert. If two very pregnant moms can manage a concert with two toddlers….enough said right?


I had contemplated on taking Baby Boy with us but found out that he would need a ticket despite being carried by me on the Baby Bjorn. So take note – the Sony Centre in Toronto makes everyone, regardless of age, buy a ticket. I wasn’t sure what to expect and since the Dora show was smack dab in the middle of nap time I wasn’t expecting any good behaviour. Was I in for a treat though!



On arrival we took advantage of the free stroller parking and could have handed in our jackets at coat check but instead I dumped them into the stroller basket. Keep an eye for booster seats that are also laid out at strategic points. These are great to give the toddlers the extra height they need. Definitely arrive about 20 minutes early to run around and take pictures with the props, purchase any souvenirs and food you’d like. My friend bought us some popcorn and water and we were ready when they opened the doors to let us in. We plopped down and the show soon started. You’re not allowed to videotape the stage or use flash for photography but many parents were oblivious to those requests and it was a flashy frenzie at the start (everyone wants to capture those cute little giggles and reactions). I was pleasantly surprised by the many dads in attendance and I definitely spotted quite a few moms and dads using the dark arena to catch a siesta whilst the little ones were enthralled. Can’t blame them!



As they went in Search of the City of Lost Toys the cast was engaging and the set captivating for the little ones. I liked that in true Dora fashion there was Spanish mixed in and I noticed quite a few cast members using sign language. Which was great! However it was quite disappointing that they did not get the kids to yell “swiper no swipping” and the little girl behind us kept yelling it every time she saw Swiper – was very cute! Wish she wasn’t alone in yelling that out though! The Little Monkey was very engaged and she too would yell and scream things at the cast (in encouragement ofcourse). I think she’s going to grow up to be one of those loud concert go-ers who jump, yelp and scream their way through sets!


dora the explorer live The show was about an hour long but we also had a 20 minute intermission which I had thought would be a very long time but it was perfect. We didn’t leave our seats but it was a nice break to have a quick chat and the lights were on (the theatre was fairly dark during the show). Many went to purchase souvenirs or use the bathroom. Food and drink options were on offer and the staff at the Sony Centre had named the items with a Dora theme and there was coffee for parents but no milk options for the kids, which was a bit surprising. Bring some with you if  that’s all your kid drinks.


I am excited for future shows and performances because the Little Monkey had an absolute blast and she couldn’t stop talking about Diego and Boots for the rest of the evening. As for me, I had a great time watching her sheer excitement and had planned a wine club for that very evening as I figured I’d need some adult entertainment after that session! It’s all about the balance! We definitely encourage you to check Dora out if she comes into town! See you soon Dora!


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